Embracing Vulnerability: The Key to Successful and Authentic Lawyering

Embracing vulnerability for authentic lawyering

Did you know that embracing vulnerability can be a powerful tool for better more authentic lawyering? 

A skill that if you worked on could actually save your ass and protect your career?

By showing vulnerability, you create deeper connections with your clients and colleagues. This fosters a sense of psychological safety and trust that encourages open communication and innovation. When you have trust and the ability to connect you have a recipe for success. But most important of all you have something that distinguishes you from AI.

Right now your biggest threat is not human competition. It’s AI. 

In December 2023 Lawrence, an AI chatbot developed by Lawhive passed the multiple choice section of the UK’s SQE ( Solicitors Qualifying Exam). Lawrence achieved 74% -this is much higher than the average human score. 

However, Lawrence is capable of much more. He can even conduct client interviews! The results of his client interview were reviewed by an independent panel in a blind test. The assessors were given interview notes from Lawrence and an experienced solicitor. 

Lawrence performed well and the ONLY negative was that the assessors thought Lawrence lacked empathy. This is something I have written about before you can read more here.

AI robot lawyers

Knowing how to use vulnerability as a strategic communication tool will help to ensure you remain a valuable asset.

Investing in yourself and building skills to become a more authentic lawyer is the best thing you can do right now to future-proof your career.


Here are three tips to help you embrace vulnerability as a lawyer and create a more authentic lawyering experience.


  1. Leverage Your Vulnerability for Authentic Lawyering 🌊


Share your challenges and emotions. Open up about your struggles, doubts, and emotions with your colleagues and share appropriate challenges with your clients. This demonstrates that you are human and approachable, someone who is worth getting to know. This can also inspire people to be more open and authentic as well.


It doesn’t mean you have to share your whole life. 


You choose how much or how little to reveal. You could choose to talk about the challenges of using English in the workplace, the frustrations of technology or your concerns about the climate crisis. The point is to be more open and to encourage people to engage with you on a deeper level.


It sounds difficult but it is a coachable skill. It’s one I help lawyers to skillfully develop. 

Why? Because it changes the dynamics of communication. 


People like people they can trust. If you’re honest about some parts of your life, people are likely to view you as being honest and trustworthy in other areas such as business.


  1. Embrace Vulnerability: The Power of Saying ‘I Don’t Know’ in Legal Practice


Admit when you don’t have all the answers: It’s okay not to know everything. Admitting when you’re uncertain or need help encourages your team members/colleagues to do the same, promoting collaboration and collective problem-solving. 


This is not something lawyers like to do. They believe it makes them look weak or incompetent. 


This is understandable especially when you work in a shark tank where competition is fierce and there is always someone ready to highlight your failings. 


Admit your mistakes but do it strategically! Learn the right language.


When you use the right language it makes you a stronger force to be reckoned with. It’s like talking about your weaknesses at a job interview, you make the weakness about a skill and you talk about what actions you are taking to improve that skill.


Most lawyers are never going to say, I am wrong, you are right. This is too difficult and embarrassing for them. But you can say things like:


  • On reflection, I think a better course of action would be…..
  • I’ve re-examined the facts and I think we should do a course correct and take (insert remedial action).


When someone else points out your mistake you can say,

  • “You’ve made some very valid points and I agree with you, we should adjust our strategy to take account of them.”


  1. Harness The Power Of A Growth Mindset: 🔄


When you have a growth mindset you have the ability to learn from your mistakes. When you make a mistake, own up to it and share what you’ve learned from the experience


Most people don’t like being wrong. Lawyers especially don’t like being wrong because they don’t want to look like a failure. But, you can be wrong and still be a winner. You don’t have to say,

“I was wrong, I made a mistake.”

You can use different language to say the same thing, for example, 

I encountered a difficult situation, it didn’t work out as I expected but I was able to use it as a learning opportunity so that I am better prepared for the future.


Often lawyers think they need to be perfect and they worry about being judged. This anxiety can result in lawyers not fully participating in their work. This is something coaching can help you overcome so you perform better at your job and get recognition for the things you do well.




  • Being vulnerable can give you an advantage when used strategically.
  • Using the right language to talk about your vulnerabilities is important.
  • Accept and admit mistakes but always use them as a growth opportunity.
  • Highlight what you learnt and how you will use this knowledge to avoid making the same mistake in the future


By embracing vulnerability, you’ll seem a more authentic genuine person. Someone to be trusted and who can face challenges and find solutions. Start incorporating these practices into your lawyering today and witness the transformative effects on your team and organisation.

When you are ready to invest in yourself and future-proof your career book a chat with Caryn and let’s take your communication skills to the next level. Book below.

If you don’t see a good time just email me or contact me on Linkedin.

Email: Caryn@RapidEnglishTransformation.com

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