Almost Guaranteed To Become A Confident English Speaker

Confident English speakers have more opportunities

There are only two things guaranteed in life: Death and taxes. Everything else is variable but If you do these 9 things you’re almost guaranteed to become a confident English speaker. One thing’s for sure you will be doing more than most of your competition.

  1. Don’t expect transformation without effort. There is no easy option if you want to become a confident English speaker.

  2. Study English daily even for just 5 minutes. 5 x 7 is 35 minutes which is the same as one class a week. It beats nothing!

  3. Focus on speaking daily. Like any skill, use it or lose it. Confident English speakers practice!

  4. Start a 90-day sprint. You can become a confident English speaker in just 10 weeks.

  5. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them.

  6. Learn communication skills not just English. Anyone can speak English not everyone can get their message across.

  7. Find your tribe. Hanging out with confident English speakers will help you.

  8. Commit fully to becoming a confident English speaker.

  9. Remember Newton’s law of motion.


Listen up. There is no free lunch!


You are going to have to work to improve your English communication skills.

Becoming a confident English communicator is like learning how to run a marathon. It’s doable but it takes effort.

If you want to run a marathon, first start learning how to run.

When I decided I wanted to stop sitting around and take up running I had to do 4 things:

  1. Make a commitment

  2. Get a mentor

  3. Schedule the time to run

  4. Practice

I made the decision I wanted to run, then I committed to run. After that I downloaded the Couch to 5k running programme.

The next step was to reinforce my commitment and make the time to run.

My daughter who gets up at 5 am every day to go to the gym, gave me some excellent advice. She said, “You don’t find the time. You make the time.”

So that’s what I did. I got up early and I went out running.

It wasn’t easy. Sometimes I didn’t feel like it, other times the weather was bad so I had to reschedule or sometimes I had to deal with something more important.

By the end of the programme, I was almost running 5k. I say almost because as often happens life sometimes gets in the way and as a result, it took me a couple of extra weeks to get there. But I did get there!

I could’ve given up and walked away from my goal but I didn’t. I kept going.

It’s too easy to say I’ve failed so I will give up. It’s easy to say I’ve missed a week so I will give up completely.

Practice English daily to become a confident English speaker

Anyone can quit.

The difference between those who fail and those who succeed often comes down to one thing — the ability to keep going.

There are lots of people ready to take you out of the game. There’s no need for you to help them by giving up on yourself.

Always remember Newton’s First Law of Motion which states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force acts upon it. An object at rest, will remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.

In other words, once you start, keep going and don’t quit.

If you follow the nine steps I’ve listed you will get there. All you have to do is take that first step.

When you are ready to work on your skills I’m ready to help you. Book your free discovery call here.


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75 Phrases For Meetings

Never be stuck for words

  • Build a system
  • Speak confidently
  • use the right words
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